EVENT: Christmas Concert for Ukraine
Sun. Dec. 9/2024 - 7:30 pm | 35 Hazelton Ave.
This musical program was created to raise funds for the Ukrainian organization “Come Back Alive”. The event organizer is Daria Forsiuk, a Ukrainian-born violinist who is currently residing in Toronto.
The concert features a piano trio and a string quartet playing the music of Smetana, Puccini and most importantly, the music of Dmytro Klebanov.
Klebanov (1907-1986) was a casualty of Soviet-era cultural suppression and anti-Semitism. He was one of the many composers whose works were rarely performed. Klebanov was among the fortunate who were not arrested, killed, or forced into labour camps. His music is only now being performed and was recently recorded by the ARC Ensemble of the Royal Conservatory of Music here in Toronto.
Klebanov’s String Quartet No. 4 is a lively homage to the much-loved Ukrainian patriot Mykola Leontovych, who was killed by the state’s secret police. The string quartet features the well-known melody “Carol of the Bells” that has become a favourite in the Western World. Each movement is uniquely charming and based on folk tunes that tell a story. This composition is the jewel in the crown of this concert.
There is seating for only 115 in this intimate hall so it is important to purchase tickets in advance through Eventbrite.
The link for tickets is: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/christmas-fundraiser-concert-for-ukraine-tickets-1061496457479?aff=oddtdtcreator