Get Involved • Долучайтесь
“For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ.” (1 Cor. 12:12)
Become a Member
Everyone is always encouraged to join us in prayer! However, if you wish to be involved in a more substantive way, consider registering as a “member.”
Membership (paid annually) entitles you to vote at our quarterly and annual meetings, participate in committees and stand for election to our parish council. In other words, it provides you an opportunity to directly influence how our parish evolves, grows and manages its affairs.
Unique Governance
We are proud of our Conciliar (Sobornopravnist’) governance structure, a defining characteristic of all UOCC churches, where the laity and clergy jointly manage the affairs of the parish with clearly delineated areas of accountability.
We invite those who share the faith, values and principles of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada to become members of our parish!
2024 Individual Membership - $200
2024 Family Membership (2 adults) - $400
We also have a special program where we waive a newcomer’s membership fees for their first two years in Canada.
*all membership fees are tax-deductible.
Become a Volunteer
Our parish values volunteers. As a non-for-profit, our operations and programs are funded by donations and overseen by volunteers. This is a family and we welcome you to find your place here in the parish!
If you are interested in volunteering please sign-up below.
“By virtue of our Baptism and Chrismation we are all kings and priests and prophets.
It is time to be kings and priests and prophets. We must be the representatives of Christ in this world, and continue His saving work. We must become His hands and feet.”
Become a Donor
As a registered charity, St. Volodymyr Cathedral of Toronto provides transparency and accountability to all of our donors by publishing frequent reports on how we use donations.
Our parish relies on support from people like you to fulfill the ministries of the Church. We have several funds and projects you can donate to, or you may wish to make a general donation. Thank you for supporting our causes! And above all, please remember our parish in your prayers.
Resettlement fund
Cathedral Renovation fund
St. Volodymyr Ukrainian School
Scholarship fund
How to Donate
We use CanadaHelps.org for our online payments.
In Person:
There is often a collection at both the Cathedral and Chapel during the Sunday service. There is also a donation box at the back of the church for those who wish, and can, donate.
Cheques or money order can be made payable to: “St. Volodymyr Cathedral of Toronto”
By Mail:
Cheque or money order payable to “St. Volodymyr Cathedral of Toronto” can be sent to:
St. Volodymyr Cathedral of Toronto
400 Bathurst St.
Toronto, ON M5T 2S6
Please include your name, address and email address on your cheque or elsewhere and you will be issued a tax receipt early in the following new year.
Interac E-Mail Money Transfer
Log into your online bank account and make a money transfer by email, addressed to office@stvolodymyr.ca