Our Parish Life • Наша Парафія

“What is so good or so pleasant as for brothers to dwell together in unity?” (Psalm 132:1)

Our Choirs

Music has been a part of Christian worship since the earliest of days. The human voice is an integral part of the celebration of the Divine Liturgy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Faith. Singing helps make the Divine Liturgy a remarkable and spiritual musical experience. Our music was written by some of the most talented and glorious composers: Vedel and Bortnianskyj of the 18th and 19th centuries to the turn of the 20th century with Stetsenko, Koshetz and Leontovych, to name a few.

  • If you are interested in joining the Cathedral Choir, please contact us at office@stvolodymyr.ca and the choir administrator will contact you directly.

    Choir members are required to arrive every Sunday at 9:45 am, 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the service. Rehearsals will be held regularly throughout the year and in advance of major feast days.

    The Cathedral choir has been elevated to the level of semi-professional under the direction of Andriy Dmytrovych who studied at the Moldova State Conservatory and held various conducting positions in Moldova. He came to Canada in 2003 after completion of a Fulbright Scholarship with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra and has been the Artistic Director of the Canadian Bandurist Capella. He has directed the Choir at St. Volodymyr Cathedral of Toronto since 2006.

  • Join the dedicated group of volunteers and add your voice to spiritually adorn the weekly worship of God during the Divine Liturgy. The Choir is open to anyone who enjoys singing, music, fellowship and opportunities for lasting friendships. The ability to read music is not a necessity.

    Choir members are required to arrive every Sunday at 9:45 am, 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the service. Additional rehearsals are also held in advance of major Feast Days.

    The Chapel Choir is under the direction of Christina Kowalenko.

    If you are interested in joining the Chapel Choir, please contact us at office@stvolodymyr.ca and the Chapel Choir Administrator will contact you directly.

  • Coming soon

"I will sing praise to my God as long as I live” (Psalm 104:33)

Learning Opportunities for Children

  • The Ukrainian School at St. Volodymyr was established in the 1930s. The school recognizes that children in today’s Canadian society have varying levels of Ukrainian language ability and comprehension.

    Classes are offered Saturday mornings from Sadochok (kindergarten) to Kursy (high school level). This program is suited for children of Ukrainian heritage who may not regularly speak Ukrainian at home as well as for children fluent in Ukrainian who need to develop their Ukrainian language proficiency and knowledge of Ukrainian literature, history, and culture.

    The Parents’ Committee supports the teachers and students by helping foster a sense of Ukrainian community in a positive environment. This group also raises funds for the school by supporting the organization of the school's Koliada, Pysanka workshop, and other yearlong social activities.

    For more information contact, Director, Tatiana Sunak (416) 565-5125

  • From September to the end of June, children from the ages of 5 - 12 are invited to attend Sunday School. Classes are held Sundays (except during holidays*) during the first hour of the Liturgy, with the children attending the actual Liturgy for the remainder of the time. During holidays*, children, together with their families, are encouraged to attend the Divine Liturgy to pray and worship together as a family. 

    Sunday school provides the children an opportunity to learn about their faith while spending time with other children. Depending on the age, lessons focus on the symbolism of the Liturgy, teachings of the Bible, learning the traditions of our Ukrainian heritage connected with Church Feast Days, and learning prayers. 

    Children are engaged in learning in creative ways with activities such as drawing, crafting, listening to stories, and having the opportunity to discuss the lesson and ask questions in a friendly teaching environment. Those 7 years of age are also prepared for first confession, which takes place annually in the spring after Easter. 

    Please contact office@stvolodymyr.ca for more information.

  • "For to serve Thee is a great and awesome thing even to the heavenly powers.” — Prayer of the Cherubic Hymn

    In the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada, serving in the altar teaches a boy reverence, self-discipline, dedication and deepens his knowledge of the Orthodox Faith, enriching him spiritually to be a stronger Ukrainian Orthodox Christian.   

    Serving in God's temple is a privilege. Boys can begin learning to serve at the age of six and are trained by the church clergy and the senior members of the Altar Servers, where they are taught about the importance of liturgical worship, self-discipline and dedication. They are given a unique opportunity to serve in the Sanctuary of the church assisting the Priest in his sacred work in the Holy Sanctuary.  

    For more information, contact  office@stvolodymyr.ca

Parish Organizations


Sts. Cyril & Methodios Fellowship

The Sts. Cyril and Methodios Fellowship was formed in 1998 to foster discussion, learning and community involvement in a modern context.

The membership has worked actively to promote a strong sense of fellowship and orthodoxy.  Over the last 25 years we initiated programs such as food drives, support for our Ukrainian school, and a bursary program.

If you are interested in learning more, please mail us at fellowship2023@outlook.com

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St. Volodymyr Brotherhood

The St. Volodymyr Brotherhood (Bratstvo) was established in 1938. The goal of the Brotherhood is to foster religious and national identity among the parishioners of St. Volodymyr Cathedral of Toronto and to encourage among them love for our Church, respect for our cultural heritage and loyalty to Canada. 

The St. Volodymyr Brotherhood (Bratstvo) publishes information about the UOCC and facilitates discussions regarding cultural and Church issues in Canada and in Ukraine.

The Brotherhood also hosts talks, concerts, celebrates the birthdays of eminent Ukrainians, and commemorates the victims of the 1932-33 Holodomor Genocide in Ukraine with an annual memorial service for the victims.

For more information,
contact office@stvolodymyr.ca

Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada

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The Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada was founded in Saskatoon on December 26, 1926 and is the oldest Ukrainian Orthodox women’s organization in Canada. The Kn. Olha Branch, at St. Volodymyr Cathedral of Toronto, has been active at the Cathedral for over 84 years.

The main objective of the U.W.A.C. is to preserve the cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people by cultivating and maintaining religious and national traditions, customs, language, folklore, music and handicrafts in all cultural aspects of the life of Ukrainians in Canada and thus contribute to an all-Canadian pattern of culture.

Our members are actively involved in fundraising, not only for the parish but also for urgent needs in Ukraine, including orphanages, hospitals, churches, etc., and for worthy causes in Canada and abroad, including supporting museums, Ukrainian publications, food banks and other worthwhile charities.

Our meetings are held once per month, following the Divine Liturgy. To raise funds, we organize teas, guest speakers, workshops, events, bazaars, and other interesting events. We also organize social outings for our members to Stratford and Shaw Festivals, boat trips, museum excursions, and various other excursions.

We welcome, as a member, any woman of Ukrainian Orthodox Faith, who is 18 years of age or over, or any woman who marries into the Ukrainian Orthodox Faith.

To join us, please contact: Slavka Sametz-Chewchuk at glchewchuk@rogers.com

We welcome you with open arms!