St. Volodymyr Cathedral of Toronto

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UCC Newcomer Portal

UCC TORONTO LAUNCHES A NEWCOMER PORTAL - is a new web portal dedicated to providing up-to-date resettlement information in Toronto and surrounding area for Ukrainians displaced by the war, operating under the auspices of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress Toronto.

Dopomoha - Допомoга Help Ukraine Toronto
If you are fleeing the war in Ukraine and need information on how to resettle to Ontario, you can find help here -

Learn about the “Ukrainian Canadian Parachute”, with 2 stores in Toronto that have available quality clothing and other necessities for newcomer. Volunteer at the stores or Donate goods to help.

Volunteers are also required to greet newcomers at the “Welcome Desk” at the Toronto Person International Airport.
Sign up using the following Pearson Welcoming Volunteer Contact Form -

Допомога - Допоможіть Україні Торонто

Якщо ви тікаєте від війни в Україні та потребуєте інформацію про те, як переселитися в Онтаріо (Канаду), ми чекаємо на вас, щоб допомогти.