St. Volodymyr Cathedral of Toronto

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2023 Membership Dues (UPDATED)

Based on the Resolutions that were passed at the 2022 Sobor, the annual levy payable for 2023 to the UOCC will be $158 per person. This consists of a Base Levy of $120, and additional incremental amounts to cover:

  • Communications ($9),

  • Office of Missions and Education OME ($16),

  • Youth Ministry ($3) and

  • St. Andrew’s College ($10).

The Eastern Eparchy annual levy remains at $20 per person. The total levies (based on 2023 membership) that will be payable is $178 per person. It is important that parishioners understand the reason for raising our membership dues.

As this new amount exceeds the $150.00 per person membership that SVCT had been collecting by $28.00, a resolution was put forward and approved at the SVCT AGM on April 30, 2023, to increase the annual SVCT membership dues starting in 2023:  

  • from $150 to $200 for single/widow/widower

  • from $300 to $400 for couple/family

For those who have already paid their 2023 membership dues, please contact Oleh (416-603-3224) in the office to arrange the payment of the difference. Thank you!