Book clubs, Music workshops, Icon-writing and MORE!

We are looking to plan some programming and would like to know if you would be interested in participating. Please add your name to a list of the programs that interest you below. Once we have received feedback we will plan the activity and contact you to register. We would like feedback to be submitted by Oct. 23, 2023.

Book Club

We would be reading a book of 100-150 pages. In the form we will ask if you prefer the book to be in English or Ukrainian and if you prefer the book club to meet online or in-person (if in-person, whether at the Cathedral or the Chapel). We’re looking for a minimum of 5 people and maximum 10 people to participate.

Icon-writing Workshop

This would be a one-day (3-4hr) workshop learning about the basics of iconography. In the form we ask about your preference of instruction-language as well as location. This event could potentially become a multi-day event (over the course of a month or the course of a season, depending on interest). We’d be looking for minimum 5 people and maximum 20.

Monastery Visit

In July, Fr. Vasyl organized a last-minute monastery visit that was very well-attended. In the form we will ask if you prefer a one-day visit, or are open to multiple days, as well as if you are able to travel to the United States. We are looking for minimum 5 people.

Introduction to Cantoring

There has been interest expressed by several individuals to learn how to be a cantor. We would offer 3-4 short workshops introducing you to the basics of cantoring. Based on interest, we would continue the program the following year. In the form we ask if you would prefer the workshop to take place at the Cathedral or at the Chapel, what day of the week, and what skills you would like to learn. We are looking for a minimum of 5 individuals - men and women welcome. No age limit.

Altar Server (acolyte) Workshop

We are looking to organize an introductory altar server workshop at the Chapel. If you would like your son (minimum age 6-7 - but you can speak with our priests for special consideration) to start serving in the altar, please let us know in the form.

Children’s Choir

We are looking to start a children’s choir at the Chapel, to sing certain parts of the Divine Liturgy (litanies, Our Father etc.) and together with the choir. If you would like your children to participate, let us know. We are looking for parents who might be able to organize and lead this choir. They would be working with the conductor, Christina Kowalenko. Let us know in the form.

Orthodox Church Tours

We are looking to organize a small-group that will visit other Orthodox parishes (Greek, Antiochian, Romanian etc.) once a month for Saturday evening vespers as a way to learn about other expressions of Orthodoxy - music, iconography, church design etc. In the form we ask if you prefer the tours to be based around the Cathedral or around the Chapel. We are looking for a minimum of 3 individuals.

Introduction to Music

There has also been some requests to offer a workshop teaching some music basics, as some individuals do not feel they are prepared nor capable of singing in the church choir. The short workshop would introduce you to the basics of reading music and basic concepts of singing in choirs. In the form we ask if you would prefer this workshop online or in-person and what day/time of the week. We are looking for a minimum of 5 individuals. No age limit.


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Sep. 17: Students to Receive Blessing