(Chapel) Let’s Eat! Starting Regular Social Hours After Liturgy
Fellowship over Soup at the Cathedral
The Cathedral has been offering refreshments and soup after the Divine Liturgy for parish members and guests for over a year now. Under the kind guidance of pani Tamara Koszarny and pan Oleh Vodoviz, a regular group volunteers meet weekly to prepare the food that is then offered without charge (although donations are welcome) to all. It has been a most enjoyable way of meeting other parishioners and building a sense of community.
Read more at What is Fellowship?
Fellowship at the Chapel
We also hope to start this wonderful practice at the Chapel. For the last year we have been hosting monthly coffee hours with a Q&A session with Fr. Jaroslaw on the third Sunday of month with the refreshments being organized by pani Olya Adamec, pani Halyna Ksenych and Dobr. Natalie amongst others. We would now like to start meeting more frequently but we also need some more volunteers to help organize the food (making of coffee, preparing some food, putting out of food and cutlery, and cleaning up (although we can all participate in this aspect)).
We would like to have a social coffee hour twice a month - first and third Sundays of each month. But we would need a commitment from 3-5 individuals to make this happen (maybe alternating Sundays or something). Please contact either pani Olya at (416) 994-5456 or Dobr. Natalia at buciora@hotmail.ca if you are interested!
Thank you!