Greetings and vision from the New President, UWAC, Kn. Olha…

Слава Ісусу Христу!

As the new president of Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada (Союз Українок Канади відділ Княгині Ольги) Kn. Olha branch at St. Volodymyr Cathedral of Toronto, I am excited for a brilliant future!

On December 19th at 1:00pm there will be an open Townhall meeting via Zoom. If you are interested to see what we are all about and to join, please leave your email with Pan Vodoviz in the office ( I value your input.

We are not just about "Чайок" (teas), bazaars and sweating in the kitchen. We are the ONLY Ukrainian Orthodox Women’s voice in Canada. Serving on National UWAC and as their representative on KYK National (Конґрес Українців Канади, Ukrainian Canadian Congress) it has changed my perspective of our role.

Until full in-person meetings are possible, we will meet every two months on Zoom. There will be an expert speaker of interest, for example, women’s heart health, dermatology, mental health or spirituality. We will continue strong relations with the Ukrainian Museum of Canada-Ontario branch which was started by the women of our відділ (branch). Hopefully with the help of a volunteer, we will have a Facebook presence and utilize our Cathedral newsletter which has more than 500 recipients. Do you know or care about Соборноправність (Conciliar) governance of our UOCC? Do you know why the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada is unique? I would like a member to start a book club featuring Ukrainian content, perhaps read and review the entries from the Kobzar Book Awards.

We will be partner and family inclusive. Do fun things like a euchre night, bring back family Malanka (which we started over 30 years ago), Children’s art and essay contest, a children’s talent show with our Saturday Ukrainian School. How about a Karaoke afternoon with kids!

We will leverage the talent in our parish in UNITY. Through UNITY there is strength. As a mission initiative, we built the Chapel to bring in our faithful from the suburbs-as far away as Milton and Burlington. The St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Toronto is an example to all of Canada.

As a member of our Cathedral Executive, I look forward to unifying our efforts to grow the blessed vineyard of GTA. I encourage you, your friends, your sisters and daughters to join us. We are truly fortunate to have a dedicated and talented Kn. Olha executive who I value dearly.

Any questions, please feel free to email me at

З Богом,
Slavka Sametz-Chewchuk


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