St. Volodymyr Cathedral of Toronto

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2023 Great Blessing of Water - Photos

His Grace, Bishop Andriy presided over the blessing of water at both the Cathedral (Jan. 18th) this year and at the Chapel (Jan. 19th), who celebrated the Divine Liturgy for the Theophany for the first time since Covid-19 broke out.

About the Great Blessing Of Water

The Great Blessing of Water is held on the eve of the feast of the Theophany (January 18) and/or the feast of Theophany itself (January 19), following the Divine Liturgy. The blessing remembers the event of the Lord's baptism, the revelation of the Holy Trinity, and also expresses Orthodoxy's belief that creation is sanctified through Christ.

Jesus' baptism is commemorated in the Orthodox Church at the Feast of Theophany (literally "God shining forth"). At the Vespers of this feast, a font of holy water is typically blessed in the church, to provide holy water for the parish's use in the coming year. The next morning in some parishes, the prayers often include a trip to a nearby river, lake or other public source of drinking water, to bless that water as well. This represents the redemption of all creation as part of humanity's salvation. In the following weeks, the priest typically visits the homes of the parish's members and prays prayers of blessing for their families, homes and pets, sprinkling them with holy water. Again, this practice is meant to visibly represent God's sanctifying work in all parts of the people's lives.

Holy water can also be blessed at any other time of the year if there is a need, and this is usually done on the first day of a month. The holy water used for a baptism is blessed as part of the baptism service.”
