Rememberance Day

2021 Marks the 100th Anniversary of the Remembrance Poppy.

From the last Friday of October until Nov. 11, the Royal Canadian Legion is encouraging Canadians to remember by sporting the Flanders Fields flower.

The other common name for this day is Armistice Day which marks the date and time when armies stopped fighting World War I. on November 11th at 11am in 1918 (the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month). Some 100,000 Canadian soldiers died in the First and Second World Wars. All government buildings fly the Canadian flag this day and people remember those who fought for Canada during a two minute silence at 11am. Many people wear poppies before and on Remembrance Day to show their respect and support for Canadian troops.

The annual poppy drive is a chance for Canadians to honour veterans and remember the sacrifices they made for the freedoms we enjoy today.

In 1921, the poppy was adopted as the flower of remembrance, meaning this year marks the 100th anniversary of the remembrance poppy in Canada. The Royal Canadian Legion estimates 20 million poppies will be distributed by its branches throughout Canada for 2021.


Icon - Saint Demetrius


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