St. Volodymyr Cathedral of Toronto

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Donation Collection for the Orphans

As in other years, there will be a collection of funds on Sunday December 25th, 2022, to support the three Eastern Eparchy chosen orphanages. Cheques can be made out to Eastern Eparchy Orphanage Fund, and mailed to: 3281 Cindy Cresc., Mississauga, ON L4Y 3J7.

See the video from the 2016 mission trip to the Sonechko orphanage.

Glory to Jesus Christ!

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
As you know, our Eastern Eparchy of the UOCC in 2010, began a humanitarian mission with a mission of which to help those most requiring of help in Ukraine - orphans.

We support orphans in Ukraine, sending donations each year. This year, we would like to do the same.

As in other years, likewise this year, His Grace, Bishop Andriy blesses the collection of funds in the parishes of the Eastern Eparchy on Sunday, December 25th, 2022. And so we ask, that you also share this request.

Sincere thanks for your attention and support.

On behalf of the Eastern Eparchy Council,

Rt. Rev. Volodymyr Makarenko (1st Vice President)