St. Volodymyr Cathedral of Toronto

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What Are Relics? Why Do We Kiss Them?

Relics are the earthly remains of saints, and in Orthodox Christian churches, we often venerate* (but do not worship) them. A relic could be bodily remains (bone, clothing or vestments), other possessions that belonged to the saint, or instruments used in the torture or death of a saint. Additionally, the items of Christ’s Passion, like the True Cross, are also considered relics.

*'Veneration' means simply treating something with reverence, respect, and honour. We afford both worship and veneration to God, but the only One we worship is God, completely giving over oneself to service to God.

Orthodox Christians venerate the relics of saints for several reasons: First, because we believe the body remains the temple of the Holy Spirit, even after death. Second, because veneration of a saint’s relics affirms the reality of his or her existence. Third, the act of veneration communicates that all Orthodox Christians, even those who have departed this life, remain in communion with God and with one another. Lastly, we do this to honor these saints as examples for how we should live our own lives to please God and achieve theosis. We also venerate their relics in the hope that we may somehow participate in the Grace they received. In other words, to have a share in their holiness.

Click here to read more if you are interested in learning about the importance of icons in the Orthodox faith.