St. Volodymyr Cathedral of Toronto

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NEW Bi-monthly Q&A Sessions with Otets

At the Cathedral

Starting November 2023, Fr. Vasyl Kobrii will also be leading question & answer sessions (Спілкування та Дискусія з Отцем) during the fellowship social hour at the Cathedral. While Fr. Jaroslaw will host the Q&A session on the fourth Sunday of each month, Fr. Vasyl will host the session on the second Sunday of the month.

Read Growing Fellowship & Discussions at the Cathedral

At the Chapel

At the Chapel, starting this Sunday Oct. 15, Fr. Jaroslaw will also start hosting a second question & answer session (При Каві: Питання для Отця), in addition to the third Sunday of the month.

Read Let’s Eat! Bi-monthly Fellowship Social Hours at the Chapel