Photos of 2024 Khramove Svyato (Cathedral)

On Sunday July 14, 2024, over 150 members and friends of the Cathedral and Chapel gathered together at the Cathedral to celebrate the feast day of St. Volodymyr the Great. His Grace, Bishop Andriy greeted the parish and clergy at the entrance with encouraging words to remember the founders of the parish by faithfully stewarding that which the previous waves of Ukrainians have built. The Bishop presided over the Divine Liturgy together with Fr. Buciora, Fr. Sencio, Fr. Sidorski, Fr. Kobrii, Fr. Kozenko and Fr. Dcn. Yastreb, together with the guest altar servers from the Chapel. The choir, under the direction of Andriy Dmytrovych, led the parish in their prayerful responses. During the liturgy, four (4) altar servers received the award of wearing orarions while serving the bishop at Hierarchical Divine Liturgies while Anton Potikha was tonsured a reader (the actual ordination happened on Saturday evening, July 6, 2024). 

Read more about the awards here.

After the liturgy, everyone gathered in the Cathedral hall for a delicious lunch made by pani Olya Adamec and volunteers. The program commenced soon after starting with a personal recollection by pani Natalia Jemetz of her arrival at the Cathedral in the 1950s, followed by the presentation of the 2024 SVCT scholarships by pan Nick Mishchenko. Pani Oksana Yefimenko took a few moments to share her gratitude as a new member of the parish, expressing her gratitude to our founders. And Pan Andriy Dmytrovych organized several musical performances by parish members to finish the celebration on a rightfully joy tone!

A sincere thank you to the organizers and volunteers for planning such a pleasant celebration! Thank you to everyone who joined us this day - your presence is what allows us to call this a community!

Thank you to Kira for the photos and you can click here to see the rest on our Facebook page.


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2024 Scholarship Recipients • Cтипендіати 2024р