St. Volodymyr Cathedral of Toronto

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Quarterly Meeting Notice

Mark your calendars

All paid parish members of the Cathedral and Chapel are invited to attend the Quarterly meeting.

Date: Sunday, December 4th, 2022
Time: 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. (after the Divine Liturgy) Location: Cathedral Hall - 400 Bathurst Street

Lunch and refreshments will be served.

DETAILS Please give some thought and consideration to the selection of members to the Nomination Committee. Link to previous meeting’s minutes will soon be posted.


All Ukrainian Orthodox faithful are encouraged to join us in prayer and to celebrate the beauty of our choral liturgical traditions. However, if you wish to be involved in a more substantive way, consider registering as a Member. Membership entitles you to vote at our quarterly and annual meetings, participate in Committees and stand for election to our Church Council. In other words, it provides you an opportunity to directly influence how our Parish evolves, grows and manages its affairs.

We are proud of our Conciliar (Sobornopravnist’) governance structure, a defining characteristic of all UOCC churches, where the laity and clergy jointly manage the affairs of the parish with clearly delineated areas of accountability.

We invite those who share the faith, values and principles of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada to become members of our parish. To learn more about becoming a member, contact us at

Membership Applications Заявки на членство