Traditions on the Beheading of St. John the Baptist (Головосіка)

Icon of John the Baptist from St. Anthony's Greek Orthodox Monastery (Florence, Arizona). Bagabondo, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

On Aug. 29, the Orthodox Church commemorates the beheading of the forerunner, St. John the Baptist. This is considered a strict fast-day — no meat, dairy, eggs, fish, wine — in remembrance of his violent martyrdom.

About the Holy Day

St. John the Baptist underwent beheading in the 32nd year after the birth of Christ. Prior to this time St. John was imprisoned by Herod Antipas because he accused the latter of divorcing his lawful wife, the daughter of the Arabian King Arethas and for unlawful cohabitation (see Lev. 18:16; 20:21) with Herodias who was married to Herod's brother Phillip. A party was planned on Herod's birthday. The niece of Herod - [Salome/Solomiya], the daughter of the impure Herodias, so pleased Herod through her dancing during the feast and lying with him that the king with an oath promised to give her anything she asked, even up to half of his kingdom. The dancer, instructed by her own mother, then asked that he give her the head of John the Baptist on a platter. Herod, having great respect for John, but mainly afraid of the people, honored St. John as a prophet (Mt. 14:5; Mk. 6:18-20), grieved for a while, but for the sake of an oath although wrong and for the sake of his guests did not want to renege on the lawless oath, sent guards to the prison who severed the head of John, gave it to the maiden and the maiden gave it to her mother (Mt. 14:6-12; Mk. 6:21-29). Wild joy seized Herodias when she saw the head of her hateful accuser brought to her. In an impulse of senseless delight, she hastened to take pleasure even over the dead righteous man in revenge as she pierced the accusatory and explanatory tongue of the Holy Forerunner with a needle and threw the holy head in a dishonorable place. (See January 7, February 24 and June 14). For his evil deeds Herod received his reward in the 38th year after the birth of Christ: His armies were defeated by Arethas, who acted against him for dishonoring his daughter who was cast aside for the sake of Herodias, and in the year 39 Herod was sent to prison by Caligula).

Read about why St. John the Baptist has wings

Traditions of the Feast Day (Головосіка)

Traditions in Ukraine have varied in extent but the general idea has been to avoid anything which brings to mind the execution of St. John the Baptist. In addition to strict fasting, keeping meals as simple as the baptist did himself while in the wilderness, some traditions include avoiding:

  • the cutting of round foods - cabbages, onions and apples (being reminiscent of his head),

  • serving food on platters even other round serving ware such as plates and bowls (just as his head was delivered - on a platter),

  • using knives and axes (as the saint’s head was cut off with a knife),

  • avoiding red foods and drinks such as tomatoes, red peppers and red apples and wine (reminiscent of blood),

  • dancing and singing (as Solomiya had won the head of the baptist through her dancing/singing)

  • even avoiding sewing and tying (as Herodias took a needle and stuck it through the mouth/tongue/lips of the decapitated head)

St. John the Baptist, we pray you - hasten and intercede for our souls!



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