Traditions of Meeting of the Lord in the Temple

Feb. 2 - the Feast of the Meeting of the Lord in the Temple (or the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple)

About the Feast

This feast celebrates the 40th day after the birth of Christ. Just as is still done today in the Church, the Theotokos waited 40 days before coming to church at which point she had a prayer said over her, welcoming her back and our Lord, Jesus Christ, being “churched” - brought into the temple, again as is done with our babies today. However, we know through the Gospel of St. Luke (2:22-35) that Jesus was in fact met by the church elder Simeon, who then said the following words, which we now sing at every Great Vespers:

“Now let Your servant depart in peace, O Master, according to Your word. For my eyes have seen Your salvation, which You have prepared before the face of all peoples, a light of revelation for the gentiles and the glory of Your people, Israel.

Orthodox Traditions of the Feast

Exactly because St. Simeon (Symeon) prophetically announced that Jesus would be a “light of revelation” for people, it has been the time from early in the Church to bless candles on this feast day. Indeed, this feast day in the Roman Catholic and Protestant Churches is often called Candlemas! (The suffix of “mas” that follows many Roman Catholic feast days comes from the word “mass” - Divine Liturgy. So with Christmas - the mass of Christ, with Michaelmas, the mass of St. Michael etc.).

Other Traditions

The Presentation of the Lord in the Temple in some ways ends our Christmas observances as the infant, who has now passed 40 days at home, is being brought into the Temple (which explains why we, as Ukrainians, can sometimes be seen celebrating Christmas until this feast day). The feast also falls halfway between the winter and summer solstices, thus marking the turning toward spring, and in spiritual terms, we have left Christmas and now turn our focus to Pascha. In Ukraine, this feast day is about with some predictions about weather (more Ukrainian weather sayings here):

 “If it gets warmer in the evening, Summer has outbid Winter, and if it gets colder, Winter has won.”

Western European Traditions

As with other feast-days, there is even a saying associated with the festival, mostly related to weather, is indeed it is half-way between solstices and everyone is aching for warmer weather!

"If Candlemas Day be fair and bright, winter will have another fight. If Candlemas Day brings cloud and rain, winter won't come again".

As with the 12 days of Christmas, Candlemas has also been celebrated for almost two weeks, often with singing and dancing and feasting! Usually taking place just before the start of Great Lent, it makes sense that it was a time of partying. And in some countries (even here in Canada, in Acadian communities) there is a tradition of eating pancakes (buckwheat pancakes in Acadie).

Traditions in North America

The day of the celebration of the Meeting of the Lord in the Temple - February 2 - also coincides with Groundhog Day (February 2). In fact it was the Germans, who were still looking to celebrate Candlemas in the new land, and who had a tradition of predicting weather changes albeit with a different animal, adapted their tradition to the Ground Hog of Pennsylvania. Who would have thought - the origin of the Ground Hog and his shadow is actually from the feast of Presentation of the Lord in the Temple! (Read more about the whole story here).


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